
Dressing Down: My First TF Story

Dressing Down
Man to Dress TF
By. Candi Came

Picking up the TV remote and laying back onto the old and slightly worn couch I changed the channel in an attempt to alleviate my boredom.  I couldn’t believe how long I had been waiting for my girlfriend, Francine.  It felt like hours even though it had only been closer to ten minutes.  I could hear her in the bedroom talking to herself.  For some reason she had people names for all of them like; Doug, Alice, Jordan, Riley, and Ashley.  I always thought it was weird, but I just always shrugged it off as one of her little quirks and never paid it much attention.
From the bedroom I heard “hmm... should I wear Mike?  Naw, maybe Nick?  No, it should be Karl.”
Finally my growing impatience compelled me to say something.  I sat myself up again and called out “come one Francine, just pick a dress already!  Any one will do.”
            Quicker than I could say oops she appeared in her bedroom doorway wearing only a black satin bra, matching panties, and a pair of beautiful dark pantyhose.  They hugged her curvaceous and slim body extremely well and her gorgeous face was accented by her long black hair.  My cock immediately began to harden.  However, her glare put a swift end to my growing excitement.
            “Any dress will NOT do Ben; this is our three month anniversary!  Doesn’t that mean anything to you?  Don’t you care about us, about me?”
             I knew I was in hot water, but I was determined to save myself.  “Of course I care Francine, but a three month anniversary isn’t that big of a deal anyway.  It’s kinda silly to spend so much effort into such a small and trivial thing, don’t you think?”
            I instantly regretted my words as soon as they left my mouth.  I had a gift for saying the stupidest things in the worst way possible, and apparently my luck hadn’t changed.
 I could immediately see venom in Francine’s eyes.  “Trivial!?  You think our anniversary is trivial!?”
 “No babe, that’s not what I-“but before I could try and explain myself further she retreated back into her bedroom.  Shit.  I heard her rummaging around in some drawers, so I decided to try and talk with her.  After lifted myself of the sofa I made my way cautiously towards the bedroom door. 
I poked my head into the room.  “Francine, can I come in please?”
In a stern and humourless voice I heard Francine reply “Come in...”
I walked into her pretty and fresh smelling bedroom and saw Francine, still in her lingerie, bent over in front of her night stand.  My attempts to try and apologize again were stopped immediately when she turned around and I saw what she had been looking for.  It looked like some kooky magic wand.    She couldn’t actually be serious about this, right?
I decided to humour her.  “What’s that babe?”
With fire in her eyes she told me “It’s something that lets me deal with “men” like you.  And here I was so sure you were going to be better than my last few exes’, but over the last three months I’ve seen that you’re anything but.  Well Ben, if you can’t be a proper boyfriend then I’ll make you into something much more fitting!”
I had no idea what Francine meant by that last remark but I knew she was angry and it would probably be best if I left.  But before I had a chance to even turn around she raised her wand and pointed it directly at me.  She began to chant some strange sounding gibberish.  The tip of the wand begin to glow and soon it extended out from the wand and completely enveloped me.  My clothes disappeared and I was left standing naked before my girlfriend.
Alright, so maybe this isn’t some kind of weird magic trick.  Maybe Francine’s hocus pocus is real after all.  Still, my baby wouldn’t do anything too... weird to me.  Right?  I noticed that I could feel my entire body beginning to tingle.  It also felt like I had a very odd feeling case of indigestion that seemed to be spreading throughout my entire body.  Suddenly I realized that Francine seemed to be taller than she was a minute ago.  But when the room itself also started growing I realized that I was actually shrinking!  No way, this couldn’t be happening, right? 
Next my skin began turning black and began to look less like skin and more like fabric.  As soon as the change spread over a portion of my body I noticed I could no longer feel or move it, and soon I couldn’t feel most of my body.  I tried to cry out only to find that my voice was now gone.  Not only that, I was no longer breathing!  But I wasn’t dead.  That’s impossible, right?   Now I felt very light and hollow all of a sudden, and I was also completely unable to move.  I felt so strange, so... different.  It felt wrong, like I wasn’t supposed to be this way. 
With no skeletal support of any kind in my now hollow and increasingly immobile silk body I finally collapsed into a pile on the floor.  Now I was really freaking out.  Francine just watched with glee as my feet gradually retracted and shrank until they disappeared into my legs.  As the hollow silk tubes that used to be my legs merged together to become a long flowing skirt it finally hit me what was happening.  Francine was turning me into a dress!  Why would she do this to me?  I hadn’t been that bad, had I?  And even if still, I was a man!  She couldn’t turn me into some girly dress!! 
The changes were far from over however, as my arms also began withdrawing into my torso which was now beginning to style itself in a very feminine way.   My arms had also become hollow silk tubes and they pulled themselves back into my body until I no arms at all.  I was already panicking before, but my panic increased as I realized what would most likely happen next.  And the thought of it terrified me.
I looked into Francine’s eyes one last time and begged with them for her to help me.  But Francine just smiled, as soon as expected I began to feel my head pull itself into my body.  My head shrank and began to turn into black silk as well.  The last thing my human eyes saw was the sense of satisfaction in Francine’s eyes, watching as the last of my prior humanity vanished from my new fabric form.  I felt two spaghetti straps sprout out of my shoulders and a massive V line form on my front to show off plenty of cleavage as the final portion of the transformation played out. 
Finally it was over, and as I finally was able to catch my now metaphorical breath the full reality of what had happened began to sink in and become all too real.  I was no longer a man.  I was now nothing more than a mere dress lying on the floor.  I didn’t know how, but somehow I could still see, hear and feel.  The sensations from my new dress body were beyond strange and overwhelming. 
My vision was now fixed directly at the ceiling, but it was soon filled with the towering image of Francine as she bent down and picked me up.  I had a bad feeling of what she was going to do with me.  And as I felt my new zipper get undone on my back side and I felt her put her legs through me I realized that I was now going to be her dress for the evening.  I felt my new tight fabric form hugging every curve of her curvaceous body like I was groping every inch of her.  I could feel her hard erect nipples poking into my fabric, and the part of me stretched over her crotch could feel how hot and wet her pussy was becoming. 
Without another word to me she finished getting ready.  Make up, hair, all that girl stuff.  I was stuck and forced to sit through it all, helpless and unable to do anything.  Finally after what felt like hours she grabbed her cell phone and called her friend Isabelle.  I heard Francine ask her if she wanted to go clubbing.  I couldn’t believe it!  Sure she turned me into a dress, but this was all just a little scare to teach me a lesson.  Right?  I knew she was going to change me back, she just had to. 
After twenty minutes Isabelle finally arrived to pick Francine up.  She gave absolutely no mention to Isabelle of my new altered state.  When asked why she wasn’t with me tonight Francine told Isabelle that she had broken up with me and I was gone for good.  Isabelle congratulated Francine, telling her that she deserved a real man.
I didn’t believe my silken ears.  No, baby you couldn’t possibly mean that.  You love me, right?  Francine?  Francine please change me back!  I swear I’ll be a better boyfriend!  I want to be human again, not some dumb dress!  Please!  I beg you!  Don’t ignore me!  I feel so strange stretched around your body, it’s not right. 
But Francine just completely ignored me, and soon we were at the club.  After parking the two beautiful women paid the cover charge and entering we were hit with loud rocking techno rock and very dimmed lighting.  Francine quickly got separated from her friend after a couple drinks and was soon flirting with guys left and right.  I felt many men’s hands on me as they felt Francine up, and I could feel her pussy becoming very wet as the men began grinding against her.  I felt one massive erection that was bulging in their pants after another pressing into me and soon I began to cry mentally.  This couldn’t be happening.  This was a bad dream.  That was the only way this could all be possible, right?  I was going to wake up any second and everything was going to be normal again. 
But as the night wore on the permanent reality of my situation began to fully sink in.  After what felt like an eternity Francine began to take the fancy of one particular blue jean bulge in particular.  He was whispering all kinds of dirty things into Francine’s ears that were making her blush and giggle.  He was a totally ripped alpha male, and Francine was swooning all over him. 
When Francine finally exited the club it was with the guy.  She got into his car and we drove to his house.  Once there he quickly led Francine inside and immediately ushered her into the bedroom.  She did not resist in the slightest and began to undress as quickly as possible.  I was pulled off her body rather violently like she didn’t even care what I used to be. 
I hit the floor next to the bed with a hard thud.  All I see was the ceiling again, but I could hear everything.  So for the entire night I had to lay there in a pile on the floor helpless to anything but listen to my now ex-girlfriend fuck another man.  She moaned louder and more passionately than I had ever heard her before, and I then began to realize that maybe Isabelle had been right about me not being much of a man.  Maybe Francine was right, maybe I was better as a dress?  Finally after what had to be hours they both turned out the lights and went to sleep.  I spent most of that night crying.
After an incredibly long and boring night I was eventually picked up again by Francine the next morning after she had had a quick shower, breakfast, and of course lots and lots of sex with her new boyfriend.  He lent Francine some pajama pants and short so she didn’t have to wear me today.  I don’t know why but today I felt more like I had to be worn, and when Francine decided not to wear me I felt surprisingly sad and disappointed.  I couldn’t believe I actually wanted to be worn!  Instead just threw me into a plastic shopping bag like she didn’t even care about me as a dress anymore.  I kept trying to call out to her, or anybody, somehow.  But she continued to treat me like I was no different from any other piece of clothing. 
In her bag I couldn’t see where we were going, but I did hear her get into his car.  After a long while we finally stop.  I felt the bag get picked up, and after a few steps the sound of some kind of metal bin opening followed.  Then I felt the bag get tossed and I felt myself tumbling down what felt like a metal chute of some kind.  Eventually I came to a rest and laid there for who knows how long.  What had Francine done?  Had she just thrown me somewhere in the house, or had she out me into the basement.  Or even worse, the trash?  How much longer was she going to torment me like this?  This is cruel I thought, how can she treat me like such a thing?
After an eternity of waiting in the bag in silence it was finally lifted and put on what felt like a table.  To my horror however it was not Francine that I found peering into the bag when it opened, but a pimply faced teenager.  I began to panic again.  Who the hell was this, and where was Francine?  And just where the hell was I? 
I heard someone talking to the kid holding me, telling him to hurry up sorting through the donations and to get them out onto the floor so they could be sold.  No, Francine couldn’t have done that.  There’s no way she was that cruel.  But as I was put onto a hanger and taken out onto the sales floor and put onto a rack of second hand dressed I knew the worst had indeed happened.  I couldn’t believe it, how could she?  Francine had given me away to some thrift store, and nobody will ever know I used to me a person.  Everyone will think I’m just some dumb dress for the rest of my unnatural life. 
Which is true I guess because that’s all I am now, just a dress hanging on the rack in a thrift store.  Waiting for someone to buy me and wear me.  It’s the only thing I have left to live for now.  Time is becoming a harder thing to keep track of, and I’ve already long since forgotten how long I’ve been hanging on this rack.  It’s becoming so hard to remember ever being human at all that at times I begin to question if I dreamed it up to begin with.  Maybe I was just a dress all along that simply dreamed it was a man?  Regardless it doesn’t change what I am, a mere dress needing to be worn. 
So please someone buy me, would ya? 


  1. I enjoyed your story especially the change sequence. Its interesting to have the tf theme expanded on. well done.

  2. I hope the kid who buys him will be a crossdresser, that would be a twist.

    1. Hmmm... an interesting idea, I like it! :)
