Saturday, 9 June 2012

Funny Girl


  1. Brilliant Caption. i love your ideas. poor witch, im sure her boyfriend will figure it out eventually. even if it takes a few more days of silence from his girlfriend and a browse through her spell books.

    keep up the good work :) btw, i was wondering if you know what happened to you have a link to it but it doesnt work anymore. i figured i may as well ask as you might be friends with the owner and know where its gone. looking forward to future captions.

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you've enjoyed my captions. And as for the blog I have no idea, it just disappeared one day and never came back. I miss it too, it's always sad to see a caption blog disappear.

  2. Awesome caption. I wonder why she was looking at the Sex Doll Transformation Spell and how long her boyfriend will pretend he doesn't know what's happened once he works it out.

    I do have to ask where the picture came from though as it's one of the sexiest doll pictures I've ever seen. Looking forward to more!

    1. Thanks, glad you liked it! I got the pic from Just search rubber doll and you'll find tons of galleries.
